HTML, the markup language of the web, specifies colors using the RGB model. It uses a two-digit hexadecimal (that is, base 16) representation for each component of the vector, and concatenates the three numbers together to form one large, six-digit number. For instance, the HTML color code #80FF3B has red component 80, green component FF, and blue component 3B.
In hexadecimal, the digits 0 through 9 have their usual meanings, but the letters A through F also function as digits, and have the meanings 10 through 15, respectively. Because hexadecimal means base 16, a two-digit number such as 3B thus has the meaning . The 16 is used because the 3 is in the 16s place, and the 11 is the meaning of the digit B. (If you found this introduction to hexadecimal notation too brief, consult the web for more details.)
What is the maximum number representable with two hexadecimal digits?
If your answer to the previous part represents 100% (full intensity), then what percentage does the number 4D represent?
Answer: %
What hexadecimal number represents 60%?
What RGB color vector does the HTML color vector 57D0F1 represent?
Answer: ,,
What HTML color vector represents one-quarter-intensity white light (a dark gray)? (You may need to round off to the nearest whole number.)

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