Subroutines in Perl

Named subroutines (or procedures or methods) are blocks of code that can take scalar inputs and return outputs. They have the general form sub name { code; }.

  1. In this example we use a subroutine to define a function.
    sub fx { my $t=shift(); return 4*cos($t); }
    The shift operator grabs the input to the subroutine, which is then stored in the local scalar variable $t. This named subroutine can be used later, for example, to create an array @xcoord of x-coordinates of points on the radius 4 circle centered at the origin.
    foreach my $i (0..6) {
       $xcoord[$i] = fx($i);
  2. In this example, we create a subroutine that returns the max of two numerical inputs.
    sub max {
        $a = shift();
        $b = shift();
        if ($a >= $b) {
           return $a;
        } else {
           return $b;
  3. By default, the inputs to a subroutine are stored in the local array @_ and the scalars in this array can be accessed via $_[0], $_[1], etc. We could rewrite our max subroutine as follows.
    sub max {
        if ($_[0] >= $_[1]) {
           return $_[0];
        } else {
           return $_[1];

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