Consider the blue horizontal line shown above (click on graph for better view) connecting the graphs and .
Referring to this blue line, match the statements below about rotating this line with the corresponding statements about the result obtained.

1. The result of rotating the line about the -axis is
2. The result of rotating the line about the -axis is
3. The result of rotating the line about the line is
4. The result of rotating the line about the line is
5. The result of rotating the line about the line is
6. The result of rotating the line about the line is
7. The result of rotating the line about the line
8. The result of rotating the line about the line

A. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius
B. a cylinder of radius and height
C. a cylinder of radius and height
D. a cylinder of radius and height
E. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius
F. a cylinder of radius and height
G. a cylinder of radius and height
H. an annulus with inner radius and outer radius is

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