Each of the following statements is an attempt to show that a given series is convergent or divergent using the Comparison Test (NOT the Limit Comparison Test.) For each statement, enter C (for "correct") if the argument is valid, or enter I (for "incorrect") if any part of the argument is flawed. (Note: if the conclusion is true but the argument that led to it was wrong, you must enter I.)
For all , , and the series converges, so by the Comparison Test, the series converges.
For all , , and the series converges, so by the Comparison Test, the series converges.
For all , , and the series converges, so by the Comparison Test, the series converges.
For all , , and the series diverges, so by the Comparison Test, the series diverges.
For all , , and the series converges, so by the Comparison Test, the series converges.
For all , , and the series converges, so by the Comparison Test, the series converges.
In order to get credit for this problem all answers must be correct.