Consider a species of bird that can be split into three age groupings: those aged 0-1 years, those aged 1-2 years, and those aged 2-3 years. The population is observed once a year. Given that the Leslie matrix is equal to and the initial population distribution is: 1200 of the first age group, 2000 of the second age group, and 2400 of the oldest age group, answer the following questions.
The initial population vector is .
How many birds aged 1-2 years are there after 10 years?
How many birds aged 0-1 years are there after 20 years?
How many birds are there after 30 years?
Calculate the dominant eigenvalue of the Leslie matrix good to 3 decimal places.
What is the long-term growth rate of this population of birds as a percent? Growth rate =
(The growth rate is the percentage of growth over/under 100%.)
Are the birds thriving, static, or going extinct?

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