I got the following data from this web page: The diameter of the Sun is 1.392 million kilometers. The mean distance of the Sun from the Earth (measured from center to center) is 149 million kilometers. The surface gravity on the Sun is 274 meters per second squared. Using those numbers, the escape velocity on the surface of the Sun is kilometers per second.

For the next part, let's first solve a general problem. Suppose you have a planet or star of radius and surface gravity . Then the escape velocity on the surface of that object is . (We answered that question in class.). Now suppose you are already at a distance from the center of that object. Then the escape velocity is only .

Let's apply this to our actual world. Suppose you are launching a space craft from a point in Earth's orbit. Ignoring earth's gravity the minimum speed required to cause your craft to leave the solar system is kilometers per second.

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